Zuzana Ježková
Costume & Stage Designer
Education & Work Experience
Zuzana Ježková, originally from Prague, the Czech Republic, graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in theatre and film design, further specialised at Nottingham Trent University, UK and completed a scenographic internship at the l'Opéra Bastille, France.
As a costume & stage designer, Zuzana has worked for various opera houses and theaters in Europe: Prague State Opera, Prague National Theatre, Brno National Theatre, GöteborgsOperan, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet Oslo, The Opera SND Bratislava, l'Opéra Royal de Versailles, Opéra de Lille, Théâtre de Caen, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, The Latvian National Opera and Ballet Riga, The Archa Theatre in Prague, The Revolving Auditorium in Ceský Krumlov, the Klicpera's Theatre in Hradec Králové and many others.
In addition to opera and theatre, Zuzana has also worked for television and film as a Costume Designer or an Asistant to Production Designer, Art Director and Set Designer.
Language skills
Fluent in English, conversational in French and German. Basic working knowledge of Italian.
+420 606 654 213